ZuZu's House Ministry | P.O. Box 403, marshfield MO 65706

Michelle Slavens


Michelle is married and has two children, Tyler and Hannah. She owns and operates two small businesses, Absolute Screen Printing and AAA Storage and Autos, Inc. Michelle is a charter member of the Elkland Independent Methodist Church and serves on the church’s governing board. She is the founder and leader of the “Mending Hearts Grieving Support Group” and a board member of “On Angels' Wings”, a non-profit organization which provides professional pictures for families faced with the possibility of loss and offers support these families.“Children are my passion, and I see the need in our community, and I want to help make a difference.” Michelle says, “It is important to provide teens in our community with the resources when they have no place to go. Every child deserves a wonderful life, and it brings joy to my heart to make this become a reality.”

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